...provides contemporary exhibit design, line drawings, renderings and sketches.
...provides CAD/CAM services, component library design and preproduction prototyping.
...provides exhibit design consulting, onsite design services and graphic design.
...delivers quality design services
on time, as promised, and always
with our unique creative touch.
Cutting-edge Design that WORKS.
It's much easier to create wild shapes, forms and layouts that appeal to the eye than it is to ensure that what is drawn can be manufactured and assembled.
Gorodesign specializes in making certain that what is drawn or sketched can be built effectively and efficiently. Gorodesign is not just a "pretty picture" farm.
Rather, we engineer. We think about efficient manufacturability from the first moment we begin work on a new project.
Design: Within budget.
Can't justify hiring a full-time designer or CAD tech?
Use Gorodesign services only when you need them. Browse through overviews of our collaborative design process.
The Custom Look You Want
Everyone wants a custom design but budgets don't often allow it. Gorodesign's years of experience inform our design decisions and allows us to create custom, unique designs without having to go to the expense of a traditional, one-off custom booth.